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How Following a Workout Calendar Can Help Your Fitness Routine

Could a workout calendar be the answer to national health and wellness problems across Europe and North America? Let’s hope so because reports show we’re consistently getting fatter, not fitter, as a whole.

Obesity has infiltrated itself into western populations, resulting in adults suffering from the condition in shocking numbers.

In the U.K., almost 27% of UK is obese. In the U.S, nearly 27% of individuals have a body mass index of 30+, with almost 37% of them being obese.

Aside from eating a cleaner diet, the best solution to stop this health and wellness epidemic is for men, women, teens, and even kids to jump into recreational athletics.

The problem? How to fit even minimal levels of exercise into tight schedules. Even Motivated People Aren’t Working Out. You may be the video of the world’s fastest treadmill runner but if you don’t pay attention, life gets in the way of plugging a solid workout into your busy world.

Before you can begin your workout calendar you need clothes, Vivotion.com have a great range of leggings and other workout attire that may be suitable.

School. Work. Responsibilities.

Yeah, all the stuff that eats up the precious daily 1440 minutes we’ve all been given. And that number of minutes seems to feel much lower the older you get!

No wonder it’s so challenging to set aside the basic health scientists recommend 30 daily minutes of exercise. Health scientists recommend 30 minutes of exercise to keep you from falling head-first into the sedentary abyss. You’re at the mercy of all those other duties coming at you from all angles!

But here’s the truth: You have more control over the time-suckers than you think.

Have you ever read stories of ridiculously busy and successful CEOs finding time to train for marathons or Tough Mudders? Watched Ninja Warriors who hold full-time jobs and still fit in workouts so they can crush the salmon ladder or warped wall?

They have a secret weapon against idleness, and it’s one you can use starting today: consistency.

Developing Consistency With the Help of a Workout Calendar

The issue for most people who claim they want to get a little time at their local or create a gym for your home for exercise ease or go for a jog in a nearby green space, isn’t always based on lack of desire.

It’s that they can’t seem to regularly fit-in their preferred regimens.

As a consequence, they fall victim to idleness and exhaustion. After a while, many don’t even bother to lie to themselves with the in-bed mantra “I’ll work out tomorrow.” They just throw in the towel altogether, assuming they have no sway over their own lives.

Hence the obesity level.

In all irony, these are the same individuals who have no trouble getting to the office every day or making sure their clothes and dishes are clean. Have a problem at 2:00 a.m.? They’re the ones who will drop everything and help you solve it even if they sacrifice their own needs in the process.

If you’re able to maintain a modicum of consistency in other areas of your life but not your exercise, it’s time for help courtesy of a workout calendar.

How to Create a Realistic, Robust Workout Calendar

You may already have a personal or family calendar to rely upon, either in written form or via an online platform like Google Docs.

Your mission?

Start adding workouts to that calendar.

For instance, let’s say that you are a stellar boxing devotee However, you’ve fallen off the wagon more times than you care to admit. Sure, you occasionally hit the bag, but you’re hardly making a dent in your flabby biceps and triceps.

What you would do is to figure out how many times at the very minimum you want to work out within a three- or four-week period. This could be twice weekly, or two times one week and three the next.

One tip, though: Don’t overdo it. Start small with a few workouts, rather than trying to work out every day.

Now comes the nearly effortless part: Add each of those workout times into your workout calendar. But don’t just place them on a “to do” task list; add them directly to a time frame.

When you’re finished, you’ll be able to see exactly when you’re going to be pushing yourself to the max, or at least getting into an aerobic, calorie-scorching state.

Why does this work? You’re systematically blocking off time and indicating to yourself in black and white that you are committed to exercising then.

And guess what? Chances are high that you’ll keep your “appointments” rather than ignoring them.

Why Workout Calendars Work

As soon as you set aside time in your workout calendar, you get several psychological benefits:

✔ You’re asserting your dominance over sluggishness, providing you with a feeling of control.

✔ You’re showing exercise as a priority, not an afterthought. Your brain will sense that this is an essential part of your lifestyle, not one you can “take or leave.

✔ You’re making it easier to say “no” to other activities during the period set aside for your favourite workouts. “Sorry, something’s already on the calendar. Can we reschedule for a different time?”

✔ You’re allowing yourself to physically and mentally prep for your upcoming workout. When you know you have an 8:00-8:30 a.m. date with the elliptical trainer, you go to bed with an understanding that you have to be ready to roll in the morning.

✔ You’re not worried when holidays arise. You have it all covered with your handy-dandy schedule and won’t miss a gym date because of seasonal shifts.

As time continues, you’ll get more accustomed to mapping out your workouts. In the meantime, be patient. It takes a while for habits to form, so stay on track and update your workout calendar as needed so you’re never without the impetus to work up a sweat.

It’s Time to Work Out for Your Health

Even if you’re one of the 25 percent of adults don’t exercise at all href=”https://www.statisticbrain.com/exercise-statistics/ and who refuse any form of activity, even if it’s just opening a jar of pickles, you can reverse your situation and gain the value of stronger wellness.

A workout calendar might not seem like a powerful tool, but a couple months down the road you’ll see just how valuable it is.

Thanks to your newly found consistency and commitment, you’ll be rocking those selfies like never before.

Craving more ways to keep exercise in your life? Read our guide on a wonderful way to stay fit in the workplace: The exerciser’s guide to standing treadmill desks.

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